Camden Agriculture is a pioneer in the supply and trade of farming and milling; animal health; crop and plantation materials for optimum yield – changing the game for commercial and intra feeds, animal and crop health products, and biosecurity advancement.
Camden Agriculture aims to bring you the highest standards in safety and quality, while ensuring sustainable and ethical processes. Results you can trust, for game-changing solutions.
Feed Supplement. Methionine source for body weight gain & feed conversion in poultry, pigs & livestock
Feed Supplement. Methionine source for body weight gain & feed conversion in poultry, pigs & livestock
Feed Supplement to meet the digestible tryptophan requirement of an animal.
Enhances nutrient digestibility and reduces growth limiting factors inherent in traditional soybean protein sources. For production of milk replacers, pet foods and aquaculture feeds.
For swine, poultry and aquaculture diets. Source of animal/fish protein or may be combined w/ local products such as meat and poultry meals.
Cost-effective, complementary protein source that can be used in place of expensive and/or variable protein products. perfectly complements by providing added flexibility in ratio to lower inclusion rate needed to achieve targeted levels of amino acids
Used as the main source of Phosphorus and Calcium, MDCP strenghens the skeleton and accelerates the animal’s growth.
Prevention of fatty liver disease in pigs, poultry and calves. Improvement of egg production and of egg size in layers. Prevention of perosis in poultry.
Preserves feeds and increases gastrointestinal tract acidity. Enhances normal gut pH and microflora.
Emulsifier. Provides relatively high levels of choline, phosphatidylcholine, inositol and other growth-stimulating compunds. Protects Vitamin A and E oxitation.
Supportive treatment during dehydration, debillitated animals, electrolyte imbalance, severe diarrhea & milk fever.
Prevents & controls dehydration & electrolyte imbalance due to stress. Energizes weak & debilitated animals.
Protects feed and feed stuff from oxidation, prolongs shelf-life and quality of feed, preserves energy and nutrition of fats, oils and meals.
Improves pellet quality and reduces energy consumption.
For the control diarrhea, necrotic enteritis, crop mycosis, wet droppings and gut protozoal infections. Prevention and treatment of diarrhea in piglets and adult pig.
Supports the intestinal health of young animals; enhances performance and reduces mortality.
For gestation and lactation period and in cases of infection problems like Clostridia perfringens, E. coli, Rotavirus, TGE and PED. Reduces infection pressure and improves general health status of the sow, reduces the infection pressure to newborn piglets.
Controls reproductive problems, immunosuppresion, hepatotoxicity and gastrointestinal disturbances related to mycotoxicosis.
Controls reproductive problems, immunosuppresion, hepatotoxicity and gastrointestinal disturbances related to mycotoxicosis.
A probiotic that is proven to have low senstivity to a number of antibiotics, Gutwell, is an efficient alternative to AGPs as it can provide a greener production without compromising performance and product quality.
A nutritional emulsifier that increases energy availability from feeds and produce smaller micelles to increase fish belly fat, glycogen reserves of piglets, and increase ADG with optimum FCR.
Delivers the highest deposition in muscles and crucial organs to provide consistent release of selenium for optimum immune status, reduced muscle driploss, increased feed intake and selenium deposition in eggs.
ALA supplement to animals. Improves reproductive performance of breeders; yield better post-weaning performance for piglets.
Provides a slow release of butyric acid all throughout the GIT, with maximum release on the large intestine for optimum immune status, reduced diarrhea, improved nutrient absorption, colostrum and milk quality, salmonella control and egg shell quality.
A natural source of omega-3, and has proven its deposition on animal products. It balances the omega-3: omega-6 ratio in animal feeds, and acts as anti-inflammatory to protect the animals against stressful environment.
Provides sequential release of acids along the GIT to support enzyme secretion in the stomach for improved digestion, and control pathogenic growth.
Provides synergistic combination of organic acids and phenylpropanoid to enhance potency in control of bacterial growth, and enhance epithelial cell integrity.
Helps minimize Fatty liver and abdominal fat deposition. Greener alternative to Choline Chloride.
Heat stable anti-stress and immunomodulatory feed additive. Phytocee is phytogenic feed additive to replace the bioactivity of synthetic Vitamin C.
effective tool to reduce inflammation, promote villi growth, tighten intestinal junction and stabilise microflora
Application of short chain and medium chain fatty acid combination against a broad range of pathogens; also acts as an alternative to AGPs, restores animal performance and prevents spread of diseases
As source of high quality fermentable fiber that complements the fiber profile of locally available raw materials
Prevents diarrhea by selectively binding to toxins without upsetting the normal gut flora.
Tilmocosin 200g powder. For the control and treatment of respiratory disease in pig herd associated with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Pasteurella multocida and other organism sensitive to Tilmicosin Phosphate.
Tilmicosin 250g Oral Solution. For the control and treatment of respiratory disease in pig herd and chicken flocks.
Toltrazuril 25g oral solution. For the prevention and treatment of coccidiosis in poultry.
Toltrazuril 50g oral suspension. For the prevention and treatment of piglet coccidiosis.
A phytogenic oral solution for improving feed consumption, feed conversion, growth/performance and positive influence on overall health status of poultry and swine.
For improvement of bone structure in and lessening of cracked eggs in laying hens.
A probiotic blend which helps maintain a balanced and healthy intestinal microflora. Inhibits growth and colonization of enteric pathogen. Improves feed conversion, digestion, and utilization.
An anti-stress and growth promoter especially during the grower & finisher stages. Enhances productivity in layers & hatchability in breeders.
All season water soluble electrolyte combination. Enhanced with Salicyclic acid and Reservet, Doloyte is an ideal support for heat stress and other stressful farm conditions and activities.
Broad spectrum disinfectant effective against bacteria, yeasts and all known classes of virus. Cost-effective, works well in both hard and soft water, and is unaffected by temperature fluctuation.
Bactericide, virucide and oocysticide. It breaks the coccidia cycle making the oocysts non-infectious. Effective even in the presence of organic matter and has a residual effect which extends its mode action. Its foaming property provides extended surface contact time, strengthening its action on microbes and parasites.
Disinfectant and insecticide in one. Effective against wide range of phatogens and insect pests.
Pre wash cleaner with exceptional degreasing properties. Has wetting agent that penetrates through organic matter; reducing cleaning time and water usage.
Aids in stimulation of appetite, fast recovery from stress, increase physical performance.